1 module pry.atoms;
3 import pry.stream, pry.traits;
4 import std.conv, std.range.primitives;
6 template parsers(Stream)
7 if(is(Stream == string))
8 {
9 	import pry.stream;
10 	alias parsers = parsers!(SimpleStream!string);
11 }
13 template parsers(Stream)
14 if(!is(Stream == string))
15 {
16 	struct Tk(alias c)
17 	if(is(typeof(c) : ElementType!Stream)) {
18 		static immutable msg = "expected '" ~ to!string(c)~"'";
20 		bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref ElementType!Stream value, ref Stream.Error err) const {
21 			if(stream.empty) {
22 				err.location = stream.location;
23 				err.reason = "unexpected end of stream";
24 				return false;
25 			}
26 			if(stream.front == c){
27 				value = c;
28 				stream.popFront();
29 				return true;
30 			}
31 			else {
32 				err.location = stream.location;
33 				err.reason = msg;
34 				return false;
35 			}
36 		}
37 	}
39 	/// Single element token.
40 	auto tk(alias c)(){ return Tk!c(); }
42 	/// Single element token, skipping any whitespace at front.
43 	auto stk(alias c)()
44 	if(is(typeof(c) : ElementType!Stream) && is(typeof(c) : dchar)){
45 		import pry.combinators;
46 		return tk!c.skipWs;
47 	}
49 	struct Range(alias low, alias high)
50 	if(is(typeof(low): ElementType!Stream) && is(typeof(high) : ElementType!Stream)){
51 		static immutable msg = "expected in a range of " ~ to!string(low) ~ ".." ~ to!string(high);
53 		bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref ElementType!Stream value, ref Stream.Error err) const {
54 			if(stream.empty) {
55 				err.location = stream.location;
56 				err.reason = "unexpected end of stream";
57 				return false;
58 			}
59 			auto v = stream.front;
60 			if(v >= low && v <= high) {
61 				value = v;
62 				stream.popFront();
63 				return true;
64 			}
65 			else {
66 				err.location = stream.location;
67 				err.reason = msg;
68 				return false;
69 			}
70 		}
71 	}
73 	// In a range of elements.
74 	auto range(alias low, alias high)(){ return Range!(low, high)(); }
76 	interface DynamicParser(V) {
77 		bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref V value, ref Stream.Error err) const;
78 	}
80 	// Use LINE & FILE to provide unique types of dynamic.
81 	auto dynamic(V, size_t line=__LINE__, string file=__FILE__)(){
82 		static class Dynamic : DynamicParser!V {
83 			DynamicParser!V wrapped;
84 		final:
85 			void opAssign(P)(P parser)
86 			if(isParser!P && !is(P : Dynamic)){
87 				wrapped = wrap(parser);
88 			}
90 			bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref V value, ref Stream.Error err) const {
91 				assert(wrapped, "Use of empty dynamic parser");
92 				return wrapped.parse(stream, value, err);
93 			}
94 		}
95 		return new Dynamic();
96 	}
98 	auto wrap(Parser)(Parser parser)
99 	if(isParser!Parser){
100 		alias V = ParserValue!Parser;
101 		static class Wrapped: DynamicParser!V {
102 			Parser p;
104 			this(Parser p){
105 				this.p = p;
106 			}
108 			bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref V value, ref Stream.Error err) const {
109 				return p.parse(stream, value, err);
110 			}
111 		}
112 		return new Wrapped(parser);
113 	}
115 	struct Set(alias set) {
116 		import std.uni, std.conv;
117 		enum val = set.byInterval.length;
118 		static if(val <= 6) {
119 			mixin("static " ~ set.toSourceCode("test"));
120 		}
121 		else {
122 			alias Trie = CodepointSetTrie!(13, 8);
123 			alias makeTrie = codepointSetTrie!(13, 8);
125 			static struct BitTable {
126 				uint[4] table;
128 				this(CodepointSet set){
129 					foreach (iv; set.byInterval)
130 					{
131 						foreach (v; iv.a .. iv.b)
132 							add(v);
133 					}
134 				}
136 				void add()(dchar ch){
137 					immutable i = ch & 0x7F;
138 					table[i >> 5]  |=  1<<(i & 31);
139 				}
141 				bool opIndex()(dchar ch) const{
142 					immutable i = ch & 0x7F;
143 					return (table[i >> 5]>>(i & 31)) & 1;
144 				}
145 			}
147 			static struct CharMatcher {
148 				BitTable ascii; // fast path for ASCII
149 				Trie trie;	  // slow path for Unicode
151 				this(CodepointSet set){
152 					auto asciiSet = set & unicode.ASCII;
153 					ascii = BitTable(asciiSet);
154 					trie = makeTrie(set);
155 				}
157 				bool opIndex()(dchar ch) const{
158 					if (ch < 0x80)
159 						return ascii[ch];
160 					else
161 						return trie[ch];
162 				}
163 			}
165 			static immutable matcher = CharMatcher(set);
167 			static bool test(dchar ch){
168 				return matcher[ch];
169 			}
170 		}
172 		static immutable string msg = (){
173 			import std.format;
174 			string message = "expected one of ";
175 			set.toString((const(char)[] s){ message ~= s; }, FormatSpec!char("%x"));
176 			return message;
177 		}();
179 		bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref dchar value, ref Stream.Error err) const {
180 			if(stream.empty){
181 				err.location = stream.location;
182 				err.reason = "unexpected end of stream";
183 				return false;
184 			}
185 			immutable c = stream.front;
186 			if(test(c)){
187 				value = stream.front;
188 				stream.popFront();
189 				return true;
190 			}
191 			err.location = stream.location;
192 			err.reason = msg;
193 			return false;
194 		}
195 	}
197 	auto set(alias s)(){
198 		import std.uni;
199 		static assert(isCodepointSet!(typeof(s)), "set only works with std.uni.CodepointSet");
200 		return Set!s();
201 	}
203 	struct _Literal(alias literal) {
204 		static immutable msg = "expected '"~literal~"' literal";
206 		bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref Stream.Range value, ref Stream.Error err) const {
207 			auto m = stream.mark();
208 			auto t = literal.save();
209 			for(;;) {
210 				if (t.empty) {
211 					value = stream.slice(m);
212 					return true;
213 				}
214 				if (stream.empty) {
215 					stream.restore(m);
216 					err.location = stream.location;
217 					err.reason = "unexpected end of stream";
218 					return false;
219 				}
220 				if (t.front != stream.front) {
221 					stream.restore(m);
222 					err.location = stream.location;
223 					err.reason = msg;
224 					return false;
225 				}
226 				t.popFront();
227 				stream.popFront();
228 			}
229 		}
230 	}
232 	auto literal(alias lit)()
233 	if(isForwardRange!(typeof(lit))
234 	&& is(ElementType!(typeof(lit)) : ElementType!(Stream.Range))) {
235 		return _Literal!lit();
236 	}
238 	struct Eof {
239 		bool parse(ref Stream stream, ref Nothing _, ref Stream.Error err) const {
240 			bool r =  stream.empty;
241 			if(!r) {
242 				err.location = stream.location;
243 				err.reason = "input not fully consumed";
244 			}
245 			return r;
246 		}
247 	}
249 	/// Zero-width assertion that parses successfully on input end.
250 	/// Use to make sure the whole stream was consumed.
251 	auto eof(){
252 		return Eof();
253 	}
254 }
256 unittest {
257 	alias S = SimpleStream!string;
258 	with(parsers!S) {
259 		auto parser = dynamic!dchar;
260 		parser = tk!'a';
261 		S s = S("a");
262 		dchar c;
263 		S.Error err;
264 		assert(parser.parse(s, c, err));
265 		assert(c == 'a');
266 		assert(s.empty);
267 	}
268 }
270 unittest {
271 	alias S = SimpleStream!string;
272 	with(parsers!S) {
273 		auto s = " a".stream;
274 		auto p = stk!'a';
275 		dchar c;
276 		S.Error err;
277 		assert(p.parse(s, c, err));
278 		assert(c == 'a');
279 		assert(s.empty);
281 		auto s2 = "a".stream;
282 		assert(p.parse(s2, c, err));
283 		assert(c == 'a');
284 		assert(s2.empty);
285 	}
286 }
288 unittest {
289 	import std.uni;
290 	alias S = SimpleStream!string;
291 	with(parsers!S) {
292 		auto p = set!(CodepointSet('A', 'Z'+1, 'a', 'z'+1));
293 		auto s = "aZ0".stream;
294 		dchar c;
295 		S.Error err;
296 		assert(p.parse(s, c, err));
297 		assert(c == 'a');
298 		assert(p.parse(s, c, err));
299 		assert(c == 'Z');
300 		assert(!p.parse(s, c, err));
301 		assert(s.front == '0');
302 		auto p2 = set!(unicode.L);
303 		s = "Яz".stream;
304 		assert(p2.parse(s, c, err));
305 		assert(c == 'Я');
306 		assert(p2.parse(s, c, err));
307 		assert(c == 'z');
308 	}
309 }
311 unittest {
312 	alias S = SimpleStream!string;
313 	with(parsers!S) {
314 		auto p = literal!"abc";
315 		auto s = "abcd".stream;
316 		S.Error err;
317 		string slice;
318 		assert(p.parse(s, slice, err));
319 		assert(s.front == 'd');
320 		assert(slice == "abc");
321 		s = "ab".stream;
322 		assert(!p.parse(s, slice, err));
323 		assert(s.front == 'a');
324 		s = "abd".stream;
325 		assert(!p.parse(s, slice, err));
326 		assert(s.front == 'a');
327 	}
328 }
330 unittest {
331 	alias S = SimpleStream!string;
332 	with(parsers!S) {
333 		auto p = eof;
334 		Nothing n;
335 		S.Error err;
336 		auto s = "".stream;
337 		assert(p.parse(s, n, err));
338 	}
339 }